Is wealth having health so you can work and be physically and mentally present with your friends and family? Is it just being with your friends and family - the mere presence of them in your life? Is it God's grace poured lavishly on you so you realize nothing you have ever done is good enough or, get this, bad enough to keep your from His love, His blessings and Heaven?
Wealth is all of this to me. Part of my mission to to help others attain Wealth. I commit to living this life and demonstrating wealth. Lord willing, it will involve all the tangible things listed above. I do want to go to Maui, I want zero debt, I love nice things, and you know I love the beach!! I personally hate Walmart, but I want to be able to go to Aldi, Kroger, Target, Kirkland's, Sam's and Academy any time of the month, and get whatever groceries, clothes, and even house decorations we need (and want).
But most of all - ALL of ALL - wealth for me is being with William Sr, WmJr, Kyle, Tyler and living in the Grace of God. That's it. God has already promised to provide what I need, so I can give up that worry. I love our home. When we began Chrissy Warren, LLC, we said,
If we have to sell the house, sell the cars, whatever we have to do, we'll do it. Within just 3 short months, we were able to pay our bills. This is God's favor and Wealth.Today was Youth Sunday at First Presbyterian Church in Conroe, TX where we are members. The kids shared, showed and sung from their hearts this morning how God shattered their illusions and always provided. The Sr. High went to the Bahamas - the poverty side, not the $M Yacht side. They provided construction for residents who had Cerebral Palsy and other significant physical limitations. They were overwhelmed at how "unlucky" (the kids' word) the residents were, yet how HAPPY they are. Wealth.
Joy is Wealth. Wealth is having our needs met. Wealth is being free to spend time with each other. Wealth is recognizing that we are earthen vessels to be used to help others and provide Light. Wealth is making enough extra money to share it with others for purposes beyond ourselves. Wealth is getting to work with the Youth Group this year! We are so pumped to be around these kids!
I do want to vacation when ever we want. I do want to win fabulous trips from selling Plexus. I do want to buy a car for my son. I still like nice things.
But if I have learned anything in this life, I have learned that real Wealth is not money or things. Wealth is people, community, friends, family, my church, and being a child of God.
I wish you Health, Wealth and Happiness!!!
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